Release Year: 2013
"Westerly: A Man, A Woman, An Enigma" (2013), directed by Alan White, is an introspective and thought-provoking documentary about Peter Drouyn, one of surfing's earliest superstars, who, in a stunning twist, later reinvented herself as Westerly Windina. The film not only explores Drouyn's complex transition but also delves into the tumultuous and sometimes tragic journey of a man becoming a woman—an experience full of emotional depth, societal challenge, and personal metamorphosis.
Peter Drouyn’s legacy in the surfing world is well-documented. He was a true visionary, one of the first to make a name for himself on the international surfing scene. Born in Queensland, Australia, in 1950, Drouyn grew up immersed in the world of the beach. His father was a lifeguard and a saxophonist, and his mother a musician. With such artistic and free-spirited influences, it is no surprise that Drouyn developed an affinity for the ocean early on. By the age of 11, he was already surfing, and by 1965, he had made his competitive debut at the Australian Junior Surfing Championship. Despite being assaulted the night before the competition, he still managed to compete and win—a precursor to his legendary resilience.