Release Year: 2015
Première: ABC Family
"Becoming Us" is an unscripted drama that intricately weaves the story of Ben, a teenager navigating the complexities of adolescence while facing a profound family transition. The series chronicles the life of Ben and his family as they support each other through the journey of his father, Charlie, who transitions into Carly Lehwald. Set against the backdrop of the Midwestern United States, "Becoming Us" offers an intimate portrayal of love, acceptance, and the challenges of coming to terms with identity in a close-knit family.
At the center of "Becoming Us" is the evolving relationship between Ben and his parent, Carly. The series provides a candid look at the impact of Carly's transition on Ben, who finds himself grappling with a mix of emotions—confusion, embarrassment, and ultimately, a desire for understanding. This journey is not merely about Carly's transformation; it encapsulates the broader implications for the family unit as they navigate their new reality together.
The narrative begins with the initial shock of Carly’s transition. Ben, like many teenagers, struggles to reconcile his feelings with the changes occurring in his life. As his father becomes a woman, he faces the challenge of adapting to this new family dynamic while simultaneously dealing with the pressures of school and friendships. The series expertly captures these feelings of turmoil and the complexity of adolescent identity during such transitions.